Wednesday 14th June marked a milestone moment as community workspace LJ Works, launched to the public. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us, making it such a memorable occasion filled with joy and a true testament to the vibrancy of the Loughborough Junction community.
The day was packed with free activities for the whole family, showcasing LJ Works' commitment to entrepreneurship and embracing creativity. From Drop in Business Support with Wayfinding Partners, Kid’s Slime workshop with Slime Planet, a carnival mask making workshop with Sunshine International Arts, and closing the show, a drumming workshop led by the talented Tony B Happy Drums.
A highlight was the Windrush 75 Intergenerational Memory Event which brought together elders from the LOUGHBOROUGH JUNCTION ACTION GROUP's craft workshops and Marcus Lipton's pensioners' group, as they shared their memories and stories with children, young people, and local families. The intergenerational discussion was not only moving, but also exemplified the community spirit LJ Works strives to nurture.
Special thanks to LJ Works tenants Planted for the veggie sausage rolls, Rowayn for his delicious Caribbean food and Groove School for bringing the music and their two young talented DJs, SV and DJ Youngz.
Thanks to Louise Duggan from the GLA, Cllr Jacqui Dyer from London Borough of Lambeth, and Meanwhile Space CIC's Executive Director, Eddie Bridgeman, for their inspiring speeches, sharing their vision and support for LJ Works. The unexpected highlight all around was the young boy from the Loughborough Estate who gave an impromptu speech, taking over the mic and announced “Thank you for opening this place, and I wish it is here for 100 years”, it was a heartwarming moment.
The launch of LJ Works symbolised a tremendous collaborative effort and a significant step forward in empowering our community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making this event a resounding success, and we look forward to the countless opportunities and growth that lie ahead.